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Hello friends @ Hixnews! My aunt Carol Berry (Mack) turned me on to your newsletter and boy what an awesome job you have done.

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I now reside in Nashville, TN

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I am looking for the following friends:
Jimmy Florio, Class of 1976 Phil Bova, English Teacher @ HJHS

I was a graduate of the Class of 1977. One of my fondest memories of HHS involved cool cars and the two-lane strip in front of the school. Before I get myself in trouble, let me say we kept it under the speed limit? I grew up with a bunch of car guys (before 'Meguiars' stole that saying) and we lived for the sound of a hot V-8. My Dad worked at Eisemann Buick and I hung out there frequently. His passion for cars was instilled in me to this day.

I began to hang out with what would be considered 'the greasers'. You know...leather jackets, fast cars, etc. If you saw the movie 'Grease' you know what group I'm talking about. Some of my car buddies included James Florio (the coolest Fonz-type friend a guy could ever wish for), Robert Jennett, Tony Cotugno, Billy Dizinias, John Martorello (think 'John Milner' from 'American Graffiti'), John Boseman, Ricky Eiffert, Pete Kwashan, Kenny Znack, Steve Nethersole, Ronny Rose (RIP), and I few more I cannot recall.

Getting back to my fondest memory introduction, 'the strip' in front of HHS was our 'drag strip' so to speak. While it wasn't a quarter mile long, it did allow us to bang gears and put on a show for the 'students' peering out the windows. We had some great times and never crashed, hit any students (in a car or out walking), or even got ticketed by Hicksville's finest although they tried many times.

Looking back I feel extremely fortunate to grow up in Hicksville; a great town with little or no crime, great friends, and lasting memories. I have so many more memories I could write a book!

Thank-you Staff of Hixnews for this opportunity to reminisce!

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John DeLuca, Class of 1977

(Editorial note: Ask Chris Thiel if he ever crashed into anything in front of Hicksville High?)


Keep sending your excellent work on Hicksville, Hixnews. I’ve had computer trouble, new hard drive and spam issues. Probably that’s the reason for the reject.

I wanted to say thank you and your team for the first rate journal you publish. It has brought back a lot of memories. I so much want to visit New York and Hicksville. I am going to steal the time, and combine trips so I can make it possible.

Thanks for publishing Chuck Wilson with Frank S. and me. Chuck would have been very happy. He was in contact with Pat Driscoll before he died. I keep promising to send you something and I will.

You can publish this email for me and send the Hixnews there and here;


Ron Wilson

Santee CA

Plus Size Speed Dating Near North Massapequa Ny

My wife and I just recently returned form a vacation to China and Japan. This is the first time we participated in a escorted tour, normally we and our travel partners pick a country and cities we want to visit and get on the plane and away we go, But because of the major differences in written and spoke language we decided on a tour from Pacific Delights. We all met for the first time in Beijing, China, and for the next two weeks traveled and got to know one another. Two of the group was a mother and daughter traveling together, the mother living in Hicksville and the daughter from Livingston, N.J. I asked if she went to Hicksville High and she did, class of '66, we had a lot to talk about during the trip.

So you never know where our paths may cross with ex Hicksville residents. I introduced her to the Hicksville Newsletter, and she was going to look it up when she got home, so I hope you have another new reader.

George Baritt '56

This might bring back fond memories, this person I mentioned is Janet Cashion, (Janet Kapsol Cashion), she mentioned her sister was your prom date, and they still have the prom photos in their family album

George and his wife, Hanne

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Group of Russian Machining and 3D Printing Companies Constructs 3D Printed Residential House


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Using 3D printing technology in the construction sector has led to bridges, an office building and a laboratory in Dubai, a hotel and tiny houses, and even full-size homes and villages. In February, a group of European construction experts met in Copenhagen to discuss how 3D printing is changing construction, and came to the conclusion that Europe would become the leader in 3D printing constructionover the next three to five years. Russia has also been in the 3D printing construction headlines for a house printed in just 24 hours, and a group of machining and 3D printing companies, called AMT-SPECAVIA, recently used a 3D printer to construct a residential house in Yaroslavl.

The 3D printed house was presented this week, and will soon be the permanent home of a Russian family. Specialists with AMT-SPECAVIA, which includes Skolkovo LLC near Moscow, have been printing parts of the house over the last two years, and recently put them all together to build the 298.5 square-meter building, known as the Yaroslavl AMT project.

“It was important for us to create a precedent, to show in practice that 3D construction technology is working. At that time, printing houses – it was something from the realm of fantasy. We set the task to make it real,” said Alexander Maslov, general director of the AMT-SPECAVIA group of companies in a translated quote. “Printing was done in the shop on the smallest printer. Printed the building in parts (the walls of the house, decorative elements, the tower), were taken to the construction site and assembled on site as a designer. Since then, of course, the equipment has been improved: the speed of printing has increased, the quality has improved. But even our first model proved to be a reliable and efficient equipment. The status of the Skolkovo participant allows us to accelerate development and access to foreign markets.”

Maxim Avdeev, the Deputy Governor of the Yaroslavl Region, attended the presentation of the 3D printed house.

The AMT-SPECAVIA companies first created a 3D model of the house on the computer, before dividing the model by cross sections in layers. Not only did the collaborative group of companies 3D print the house, partner SPECAVIA also created the 3D printing equipment that handled the job. A 3D portal printer, with a build volume of 3.5 x 3.6 x 1 meters, was used to build the residential building, using standard M-300 concrete sand.

The layers of the house were printed at 10 mm high and 30 to 50 mm wide, and the walls were printed at up to 15 square meters an hour. One of the great benefits of 3D printed houses is the ability to use complex geometry to create features like arches and cylindrical structures. In addition, the time from design to production is reduced up to 8-12 times; obviously, the high rate of speed at which the house was built is also a plus.

Oleg Pertsovsky, the director of operations for the Skolkovo Energy Efficient Technologies cluster, said in a translated quote, “Today, Russian developers are among the world leaders in 3D printing. In the Fund, AMT LLC is developing and commercializing a line of portal building printers: from small format (for printing small architectural forms) to large (capable of printing houses up to 3 floors high). Today “AMT” presented an impressive result of its innovative activity – a full-length residential building built for permanent residence. “Skolkovo” purposefully involves projects on construction 3D-printing. Support from Skolkovo will allow companies to get an additional impetus to development not only on the Russian market, but also on the world market.”

The 3D printed Yaroslavl house is consistent with all of the rules and regulations of individual housing construction in Russia, including getting a building permit and a technical passport from the Bureau of Technical Inventory (BTI), which is necessary when it comes to performing registration actions. Soon, the 3D printed residential home will also be placed on the cadastral survey, a comprehensive register of a specific country’s real estate.

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You can take a look at some drone footage of the 3D printed house in the video below:

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Not that long ago, the idea that we might all one day live in 3D printed homes probably seemed like a joke, or something out of a cheesy sci-fi movie. But as we see more and more 3D printing innovations come out of the construction field, it doesn’t seem quite so funny anymore. What’s more, as is the case with the Yaroslavl house, these buildings aren’t gimmicks or ad campaigns, but real homes where people will actually live. So it seems like we may need to get used to the idea that 3D printed homes are here to stay.