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nelly was asked to leave because he was wearing a gang-style clothing accessory. benfer then interviews malls throughout the country regarding their dress codes for mall patrons. she points to dress codes in malls being potentially used as a tool for racial profiling. benfor includes tanforan in her survey and speaks with a security guard. the guard states that no dress code exists for the san bruno shopping center. however, the spokesperson adds: ' At Tanforan there is an anti-gang policy, but it is more limited: You can't congregate in groups larger than three, and you can't 'show off your colors,' which the guard defined as having a red or blue bandana, or a colored belt that hangs off the pants.' from their website at |
i drive over to tanforan to take some digital shots of san bruno's largest mall and experience the current shopping environment. inside the mall, areas are under reconstruction with many empty retail spaces or ones with 'going out of business' signs. the busiest spots where i am looking is a kiosk t-shirt vendor and the fine jewelry store with the going out of business sign. then, i notice that enlargements of early and mid century san bruno photographs are posted in a vacant storefront at one of the mall entrances. graphics on a large sign show the new look of the mall once the reconstruction is finished.
next, i look for the location of the plaque which talks about the assembly center in 1942 of local japanese and local japanese americans. it is located outside, in the parking lot by the bronze horse statue. next to the ww2 plaque are 2 others--one about tanforan as a race track and the other about the first shipboard landing of an aircraft. i had recently browsed the news group ba.transportation and people were wondering if tanforan honored this grim part of its history. also, i had recently researched data on the number of internment victims-the number differed on the tanforan bronze plaque and the number quoted in the original published paper of the center, the tanforan totalizer. the plaque quotes the number at over 4,000 individuals, while the paper and other online references quote the total at either 7796 or over 8,000. additionally , in comparison to the beautiful rock garden pool at sfsu which honors internment victims, i believe that tanforan could create something more personal yet beautiful.
2001 |
'One of the goofy pleasures of shopping in those massive big-box retail stores is that you get to toss absolutely everything helter-skelter into one shopping cart. Blue jeans, potting soil, dog food, laundry baskets, and CDs all go into one big eclectic tumble. But the Target

i mostly avoid the tanforan center. i have always objected to the large white plastic sign that hovers near the 380 connection. it has an image of a race horse and rider. the sign is tacky beyond belief. however, i make my 1st trip in several years to tanforan with a bit of excitement. i am headed to the target store to find large plastic ice chests for my engagement party. i am hoping to take advantage of the super duper savings mystique of target, but i am disappointed in what i find. the choices of designer ware made exclusively for the store seem to be limited and not at all cheap.
1964 |

the day the race track burned, my family is home. i am 12, but do not feel afraid. my mother and father will remember clearly and will later talk about how dad goes on the roof with a long hose to keep any flying embers from igniting the house. my father had been a volunteer fireman when we lived in brisbane and helped drive the ambulance, but that i don't remember because i was only a year old then.
1960 |
we live right next to the tanforan fence on the south side. across the street from our house is the train tracks and a large open dirt area. the race track visitors use it for a parking lot. after the races, sometimes my brother goes over to the parking lot and looks for money on the ground. once he finds 5 dollars. i don't know anyone who goes to the races.
i grew up for most of my childhood into adulthood in san bruno. no one ever spoke of tanforan as an assembly center for japanese americans during ww2.
race horse 'big cy'--triple crown winner of 1948
'It was because of Citation, racing's first millionaire, that I had the honor of getting to know the younger Jones over the final months of 1999. I was writing a biography of this great champion race horse, and Jones provided much of the anecdotal material during a series of telephone interviews.To me, his most surprising story had to do with the 20th and final start of Citation's remarkable 3-year-old season in 1948. It was in the Tanforan Handicap at a track near San Francisco also named Tanforan. Citation was injured in the race and never regained his top form, though he raced off and on until age 6 to fulfill his owner's dream of earning $1 million. ... Gene Mori, an old friend who recently had bought Tanforan, called and asked Jones to race Citation in the Tanforan. Citation's appearance would help Mori establish Tanforan and San Francisco as a racing center. He also said the $50,000 race was one Citation easily could win. Jones eventually was persuaded.' --- quoted from the web site:

ww2 and executive order 9066: in 1942 tanforan becomes an 'assembly center' for almost 8,000 bay area japanese and japanese americans who are ordered to immediately evacuate their homes because they are now considered enemy aliens. the bay area victims are detained and forced to live in quickly converted horse stalls and sheds from april to september; afterwards, they are sent primarily to the topaz internment camp in utah. japanese american oral histories for 'the good war' by david kim provides personal stories of japanese american prison camp survivors. in kim's anthology, mr. yuzuru j. takeshita talks about tanforan. follow the click for this year. additionally, a separate listing of web site information is available at the internment page
my father has enlisited in the navy and become a radio dispatcher using morse code. in may, he is on the carrier lexington and in the battle of coral sea. when his ship is hit by a kamikazi plane, fires start throughout the vessel, forcing everyone to evacuate. my father survives although one of his best friends is trapped and drowns. he talks later about how warm the water is, and how much fun they all have swimming around waiting for rescue. for many years afterwards, my father will tell and retell his war stories to his children and friends. years later he will see an official navy documentation of the battle and will say that the report has many errors in it.
1934 |
Millionaire Dating Service Near San Bruno
john marchbanks purchases tanforan for about $250,000 and consolidates his gambling business holdings in the bay area. scroll to the section titledMillionaire Dating Service Near San Bruno California
Peg-Leg Jack Marchbank in the link.the date is one year before the stock market crashes and the country settles into the great depression. my father's family struggles with poverty throughout his childhood; his mother is forced to raised 5 children on her own. later in life, my father laughs and tell stories about his childhood--one of these is about how one night all his family have for dinner to eat are onions.
jackie coogan stars in johnny get your hair cut, filmed at tanforan. coogan is 12 years old. mr. coogan will later star in the 1960's tv series the adams' family.years later when i am growing up, mom and dad always talk about how sorry they feel for jackie coogan. they say that his parents took all his money. we kind of like to watch the adams' family on tv.
tanforan hosts a 25 day non betting event.
my father is three years old and my mother is two. my father was born in lansing, michigan and then moved to ohio. his father dies of cancer within a year or two. my mother was born in toledo, ohio and later moves to the same outskirts rural area as my father; they will be in the same school class. she is first generation czechoslovak. bohemian people are called bohunks by the community.
the first shipboard landing of an aircraft is achieved, piloted by eugene ely. he flies a biplane from tanforan to the
Millionaire Dating Service Near San Bruno Fernandes
uss pennsylvania docked in sf bay. a plaque at the shopping mall now commerates this achievement in american naviation history. also in 1911, stanley hiller sr participates in air show at the park. the link shows 2 planes built and flown by hiller.1899 |
my father's parents are youngsters, growing up in rural michigan. they are first generation germans of immigrant parents. in years to come, my father's mother's brother-his uncle-will be the first member of the family to visit california and encourage my father and brother to move west.
the original inhabitants of the area are the tribes of the ohlone people. modern archaeological findings will show villages dating to 5,000 years ago having existed in the san bruno area. 3 hunting campsites located near creeks about 2 miles from tanforan will also be in historical documents. from 1769, the ohlones are being resettled on spanish missions; as a result, vast numbers of the native americans are perishing from european diseases. by the1800s, the area to become tanforan is being used as grazing land for cattle and horses by the spanish.i have a foto of my great-great-grandfather spornhauer who will have been born in hessing nassin, germany in 1811. i don't know how old he is in the foto, but he has a cane and a long white beard. the foto is sepia toned and very faded.
Millionaire Dating Service Near San Bruno Ca
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