Adams Morgan Over 50 Speed Dating

Posted at 6:37 PM ET, 01/14/2011

In the warm, clear night, we drove down the hill toward Logan Circle on 14th Street, picking up speed as we went. It was strange to be moving so fast. I had't been in a car for seven weeks. It’s, like, literally 1 am in a bar in Adams Morgan and you’re like, ‘Oh, let me just add you on Linked­In instead.’ ” —Tess, 22, digital marketing “We work together. We would text all the time, like it was a thing.

By Jennifer Cooke, Annandale

The Oct. 3 Local Opinions page carried a piece [“Casualty of the traffic wars”] I wrote about my community’s efforts to slow speeding drivers in Annandale’s Winterset/Varsity Park neighborhood. I had been moved to write by the death of Stephen Carr, who was allegedly killed by a neighbor angered by the speed hump Carr had succeeded in getting installed on his street in Burke. In my own residential neighborhood, with little to no police enforcement of traffic laws, we saw speed humps as the only way to reduce the volume and speed of the traffic.

Carr’s death gave me pause, but we pushed ahead. Fairfax County requires those asking for traffic-calming measures to show support in their neighborhoods. I am happy to report that after an in-depth traffic study, discussion, ballot dissemination and vote, the residents of our community expressed overwhelming support for speed humps; 73 percent of distributed ballots were returned to our District supervisor’s office, and 74 percent of those indicated support for speed humps. We still have some hurdles to clear — getting endorsement by the Board of Supervisors and funding from the state — but if we can clear these, it will result in a safer neighborhood for our families. We have already shown how a community can band together to achieve a positive goal.

I am saddened when I think of Stephen Carr and the price he paid simply for attempting to make his neighborhood safer for everyone. But when I think of what has transpired in my neighborhood, it gives me hope that there are more people of goodwill in this country — who are able to work together or can simply agree to disagree — than those who will lash out in anger when they don’t get their way.


By Jennifer Cooke, Annandale | January 14, 2011; 6:37 PM ET
Categories: D.C., Virginia, traffic
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It is very simple. Let the dissidents honk loudly to warn others they are braking (an excess of safety, but nevertheless) as they go over the speed bump. It is too bad if it disturbs the neighborhood activists, but safety means some sacrifices, even at 4 am!

Posted by: Nemo24601 | January 15, 2011 8:39 AM | Report abuse

I like the idea of honking everytime one drives over a speed bump. Honking alerts everyone nearby that a car is in the area. If just one life is saved by this simple measure of honking, isn't it worth it? After all, safety trumps everything.

Posted by: ShovelPlease | January 15, 2011 9:27 AM | Report abuse


Get the tag numbers of the horn-happy low lifes and lobby to have speed bumps installed in front of THEIR homes. That will make the roads even safer, and when THEY are awakened at 4:00 a.m. by other horn-happy bozos they can revel in the knowledge that it's all in the name of safety,and rue the day they decided to become obnoxious idiots.

Posted by: realist2 | January 15, 2011 2:39 PM | Report abuse

You may have done yeoman's work w/the project & be quite proud, but your math skills are, frankly, poor.

You claim and I quote: 'overwhelming support', but then give your data: 73% of your neighbors voted, with only 74% of those supporting.

FYI, 74 percent of 73 percent sets an awfully low bar for 'overwhelming' as that equated to just over 50 percent of the total residents...

In simpler terms, you may not have the support you think you have...

Posted by: Jayess | January 16, 2011 8:12 PM | Report abuse

To Jennifer Cooke: You are sadly mistaken for a number of reasons. Most importantly, speed humps do not make a street safer, they only slow traffic for the 20-30 feet either side of the hump. They delay the response of fire trucks and ambulances. A car/minivan that hits a 15 mph speed hump at 10 mph will crack its engine mounts, a $1500 repair. The good news is speed humps lower property taxes: Fairfax County will reduce your property assessment by up to $25,000 if a speed bump is installed near your home. Of course, that's because it's much harder to sell a home on a speed-hump street than in a comparable neighborhood.

Posted by: wapo18 | January 17, 2011 1:09 AM | Report abuse

To Jennifer Cooke: You are sadly mistaken for a number of reasons. Most importantly, speed humps do not make a street safer, they only slow traffic for the 20-30 feet either side of the hump. They delay the response of fire trucks and ambulances. A car/minivan that hits a 15 mph speed hump at 10 mph will crack its engine mounts, a $1500 repair. The good news is speed humps lower property taxes: Fairfax County will reduce your property assessment by up to $25,000 if a speed bump is installed near your home. Of course, that's because it's much harder to sell a home on a speed-hump street than in a comparable neighborhood.

Posted by: wapo18 | January 17, 2011 1:10 AM | Report abuse

what a crock of $h-!t. u speed-hump weenies. what a bunch of nanny-state wusses. i hope your porerty value nose-dives. and hey wapo18 good info. funny that the county is in the speed-bump-tax-break-business.

Posted by: submarinerssn774 | January 17, 2011 8:24 PM | Report abuse

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Last updated on February 9th, 2021

If you are looking for the best places to meet girls in Washington DC and a dating guide for this city then we have some great tips for you. You can meet single women from all over the country and the world here, plus there are many great date spots to wine and dine them.

Table of Contents

We will begin with the best pick up bars and nightclubs, you may be surprised at how much singles nightlife you can find in this city. Then we will talk about trying to pick up single girls in Washington DC during the day, and this can also be a great city for day game during the right time of year.

Plus meeting women online on dating sites will have to be covered before we transition over to our date night guide. Some guys will tell you that this isn’t one of the better cities in the Northeast for a single guy, others will tell you the opposite, you won’t know whether you can hook up or not until you give it a shot.

Nightclubs & Pick Up Bars

Venues here open and close all the time but we will do our best to keep this list updated. Currently some of our favorite nightclubs and singles bars to pick up girls in Washington DC are:

  • Eighteenth Street Lounge at 1212 18th St NW
  • Kabin Lounge at 1337 Connecticut Ave NW
  • The Park at 14th at 920 14th St NW
  • Black Cat at 1811 14th St NW
  • Opera Lounge at 1400 I St NW
  • SAX at 734 11th Street NW
  • Tropicalia at 2001 14th St NW
  • Heist at 1802 Jefferson Pl NW
  • Showtime Lounge at 113 Rhode Island Ave NE
  • Jackie Lee’s at 116 Kennedy St NW
  • Barcelona Wine Bar at 1622 14th St NW
  • Old Ebbitt Grill at 675 15th St NW

You can really find some good places to party around town ranging from nightclubs to classy singles bars to dive bars. There are many different nightlife districts you can visit and have a good time on a night out.

Some of our favorite bar districts would be:

  • U Street
  • Georgetown
  • H Street
  • China Town
  • Adams Morgan

All of those singles nightlife areas can be great places to try and hook up and you really never know who you are going to find. You can also check out our Baltimore dating guide if you will be heading that way any time soon.

Meet Washington DC Girls During The Day

If you visit during the summer then you can do some real damage with day game here. There will be so many single women from around the world visiting to check out the sites and they can be prime targets.

When people travel they want to have fun, that means many of the girls visiting Washington DC will want to hook up on their trip. Head to any and all of the tourist attractions this city has to offer and be social.

If you see a pretty girl go over and say hello. If you see a group of hot women about to go on a tour or enter a place head in with them.

If the weather isn’t nice and it isn’t peak tourist season then try to pick up girls in Washington DC at malls or in shopping districts like:

  • CityCenterDC
  • Tanger Outlet National Harbor
  • Tysons Galleria
  • Crystal City Shops
  • Gallery Place
  • Georgetown Park

Adams Morgan Over 50 Speed Dating Videos

Chat With Girls Online

A post like this couldn’t be complete without mentioning online dating sites, in this day and age if you aren’t trying to meet girls in Washington DC online you aren’t taking advantage of your best resource. Just think, how often do you see girls in public whose faces aren’t buried in their phones?

The answer is probably not very often, and if you want to get a girls attention currently online is the best way to do it. There are plenty of good dating sites to try and meet single women who want a serious relationship and they can work great, but what about if you just want to hook up?

Not all guys want to buy a girl a ring or go on seven dates just to get laid. That is where Adult Friend Finder can work great, the girls in Washington DC on this site just want casual sex, they aren’t looking for a husband.

If you are just visiting and want to set up some dates before you arrive or are in town and haven’t been able to hook up for awhile Adult Friend Finder might just be the best wingman you will find.

Adams Morgan Over 50 Speed Dating Websites

Washington DC Dating Guide

Now we have covered plenty of great places and ways to meet single girls near you and our Washington DC dating guide is going to take control. Many of the areas we mentioned before for nightlife can also be good for date spots.

One quick pro tip on dating DC girls, don’t bring up politics too early. There is a 50% chance that you could blow your shot right then if you have opposing views.

Plus people here talk politics all the time, show that you are deeper then that and converse about something else. Currently some of our favorite cocktail bars and romantic restaurants for a date in Washington DC are:

  • Ristorante La Perla at 2600 Pennsylvania Ave NW #101
  • Fiola at 601 Pennsylvania Ave Northwest
  • Plume at at 1200 16th Street
  • Iron Gate Restaurant at 1734 N St NW
  • Tortino Restaurant at 1228 11th St NW
  • Lafayette at 800 16th Street NW
  • Denson Liquor Bar at 600 F St NW
  • Barmini at 855 E St NW
  • Blues Alley at 1073 Wisconsin Ave
  • Bar Charley at 1825 18th St NW
  • Harold Black at 212 7th St SE

You could also check out the Drafthouse Comedy Theater or DC Improv Comedy Club for a good DC date night. There are also many theaters where you could watch a live performance like:

Day Date Ideas


If you are looking for day date ideas find out how long the girl has been here. If she was born in the area or has spent a lot of time here then skip the touristy stuff.

However if you are picking up single women on their vacations the monuments or museums can make some great date spots. For some non touristy places hit up the Arboretum, Botanical Garden, or head over to Buffalo Billiards to grab some cocktails and play some pool. Another fun place to go on a sunny day would be the Smithsonian National Zoological Park.

You could also try taking your date to Escape Room DC Insomnia. A couple of good cities for a weekend getaway that aren’t too far away could be Philly or Virginia Beach.

Enjoy Dating Washington DC Girls

As we mentioned at the start you really will get a lot of varying opinions on the dating scene here. In some ways there are lots of negatives, there are bad ratios of women to men in the nightlife and most people are so busy it can be hard to find time to get a girl to actually meet you, let alone hook up.

On the other end of the spectrum this is a very transient town, single ladies from all over move here and they don’t have strong social circles. That means when they feel like getting laid they may go out and look for some strange at a club, or they might just log on to Adult Friend Finder and try to discreetly meet a guy online.

That wraps up our best places to meet girls in Washington DC and the dating guide, enjoy your time here.

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